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UMass Dartmouth hosts event celebrating history of Pride at Work in Provincetown Aug 24

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the historic Stonewall Rebellion.

In commemoration of that historic occasion, the UMass Dartmouth Labor Education Center, in collaboration with  Eastern Mass Pride at Work, held an event at the Provincetown Public Library on the afternoon of Saturday, August 24.  The Director of the Provincetown library provided an introduction and we thank them hosting the Labor Education Center for our first event at the library.


James Green Memorial Lecture and the People's History Walking Tour -- October 26

On Saturday, October 26, join the Labor Resource Center and the M.A. Program in History at UMass Boston, along with the Massachusetts AFL-CIO and the rest of our vibrant community for the James Green Memorial Lecture and People’s History Walking Tour of Boston.


Labor Educators "Squaretable"

The Labor Educators "Squaretable" is an informal group of labor (and community) educators who practice popular education and meet from time to time to share ideas and curriculum.

Join labor educators from across the state as we learn from each other and hone our skills. 

November 15, 10am-2pm, at the Boston Teachers Union 189 Mt. BVernon Street, Dorchester

UMass Dartmouth Dubin Labor Education Center to hold annual awards banquet on October 17

Save the Date! Please join us for the UMass Dartmouth Arnold M. Dubin Labor Educaiton Center's 44th Anniversary Banquet!

This year we will present the Arnold M. Dubin award to National President of UE, Peter Knowlton. The Annual Award Banquet is a unique opportunity that brings together labor and community leaders who have fought for justice in the workplace and beyond. Approximately 200 union and community activists and leaders attend each year to celebrate and forge our bonds for the work ahead

This gala event will take place at the Venus de Milo, 75 Grand Armuy of the Republic Highway,  Swansea. It will start with a reception at 6:00, followed by dinner at 6:30.

For more information contact Kim Wilson at

See the next page for a flyer

Community and Culture at UMass Dartmouth Labor Education Center

The UMass Dartmouth Labor Education Center knows that life cannot be all struggle all the time. We all need art and recreation to keep us going. That is why they are involved in two ongoing projects that may seem putside the usual scope of activities for labor activists and academics: A Worker Arts Center and a bowling league.

Fall River Labor History Tour guides
Fall River Labor History Tour guides

UMass Dartmouth Labor Education Center to sponsor a series of cultural and educational events

The Arnold Dubin Labor Education Center at UMass Dartmouth is kicking off the fall season with a series of educational and cultural events, starting with "The Strike of 28" a One Act Play, on Saturday, September 14; and culminating with its Annual Awards Banquet on October 17.


UMass Lowell Labor Education Program celebrates 25 year anniversary

On May 30, the UMass Lowell Labor Education Program celebrated its 25 year history with a gala event at UTEC in Lowell. Hundreds of people showed up to mark the quarter century of the program's existence; to honor the program's founding director, Charley Richardson; and to celebrate current director Susan WInning on the eve of her retirement.

A star-studded cast of labor and local political leaders gave speeches, a video tribute to Charley was shown, a live band provided music, and guests enjoyed food, drink and good company.

See photos here.

Click on the link to see the video "Charley Richardson, ¡Presente! 1953-2013"



New Bulletin available

The Spring 2019 issue of the Labor Extension Bulletin is already available for download from this site. The lead article discusses the #MeToo movement and what it means for the labor movement. The issue also includes a special download on the new Massachusetts Equal Pay Law of 2018. See the "Publications" section.

WILD teacher training

On February 9, Susan Winning (UML) and Anneta Argyres (UMB) led an all-day workshop for womwn planning to teach at the Summer Institute of the Women's Institute for Leadership Development (WILD). The workshop encompassed  both theory and practical application of "popular education", a methodoogy that encourages participants to work together to solve their problems and promote social change. See pictures in our Photos section.

Women's Institute for Leadership Development (WILD seeks Interim Organizing Director (part-time)

The Women’s Institute for Leadership Development (WILD) seeks a dynamic organizer to work in collaboration with the active, engaged, working Board of Directors to advance WILD’s mission of strengthening the number, influence and diversity of women in the Massachusetts labor movement, and building an awareness of all issues of oppression within the movement.

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