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NSLC Education Conference
Photos from plenary sessions and workshops at NSLC Ed Conf.
The room fills up for the morning plenary session
AM Panel: Jen Springer, Maria Carrasco, and Claire O'Toole
Listening to speakers
MA AFL-CIO President Steve Tolman addresses the conference
AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Liz Shuler was featured speaker
Anneta Argyres and Tess Ewing from UMass Boston LEP lead fair taxes workshop
Workshop on Fair Taxes for Public Education and Public Services
Who pays state taxes? How is the money used?
Discussing municipal budgets
Discussing the importance of public services
Public services participants had used in last 24 hours
Susan Winning leads workshop on public workers
"Reframing the Debate on Public Sector Workers"
Afternoon plenary
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