UMass Labor Extension Program
Amherst • Boston • Dartmouth • Lowell
"The Boss Can't Do That, Can He?" is a 10-module curriculum for teaching Workers Rights, based on Massachusetts law. The curriculum is approximately ten hours long when all parts are used, but it can be broken up into smaller pieces. Individual topic modules range from 45 minutes to two hours.
The facilitator's notes, the flipcharts and the handouts for the modules are posted below and may be downloaded. Many of the modules have been revised since the initial version. Revision dates are noted. Updated modules and materials will be posted as they are developed.
Most of the materials for participants are available in Spanish and Portuguese, as well as English. The facilutators' notes are in English only.
Click here [1]for more detailed descriptions of all of the modules and the materials for each.
To go directly to the downloads, click here
NOTE: Some of the Modules are currently out of order, because of a software glitch. We are working on this. All the modules are available; you just may have to scroll down to find them.
Workers Rights for ESOL and ABE Learners
Recent immigrants to this country are among the people who could gain most from classes on workers rights. Since our curriculum is aimed at people with some literacy in English, we encourage teachers of ESOL or ABE to adapt the curriculum as needed for use with people with limited English proficiency.
The Mass. Worker Education Roundtable has developed ESOL curricula for three of our modules, the introductory class, the one on discrimination, and the one on workplace health and safety.
These curricula are available for download here [2].
Title | Type/Name | Description |
DT: Módulo 5 [3] |
Português Proteção contra Discriminação. |
WR: Module 6 [4] |
Health and Safety Protection (OSHA and Mass. State Employee Occupational Safety and Health Law) and Workers' Compensation. |
DL: Módulo 6 [5] |
Español Protecciones de la salud y seguridad (OSHA y Ley de Salud y Seguridad para Empleados Públicos, de Massachusetts) y Compensación del Trabajador. |
DT: Módulo 6 [6] |
Português Proteções de Saúde e Segurança (OSHA e Lei de Saúde e Segurança de Funcionários Públicos, Massachusetts) e Remuneração do Trabalhador. |
WR: Module 7 [7] |
Family and Medical Leave Updated September, 21, 2021, to include Massachusetts Paid Family and Medical Leave Act and Small Necessities Leave Act |
DL: Módulo 7 [8] |
Español Licencia Familiar y Médica Actualizó 21/9/2021 para incluir la Ley de Licencia Médica y Familiar Pagada de Massachusetts y la Ley de Licencia por Necesidades Pequeñas |
DT: Módulo 7 [9] |
Português Lei de Licença Familiar e Médica Atualizado em 21/09/2021 para incluir a Lei de Licença Médica e Familiar Paga de Massachusetts e a Lei de Licença para Pequenas Necessidades
WR: Module 8 [10] |
Unemployment Insurance updated Oct 2021 |
DL: Módulo 8 [11] |
Español Seguro de Desempleo. Actualizado octubre 2021 |
WR: Module 9 [12] |
Unions and the Right to Organize. updated 10/21 |