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Title Type/Name Description
DT: Módulo 9

Sindicatos e o Direito a Se Organizar

Materiais de participantes e flipcharts.

Atualiizado outubro de 2021

DT: Mod 8


Seguro- Desemprego.
Materiais de participantes e flipcharts.

Atualizado outubro de 2021

WR: General Materials

General Materials
Cover, acknowledgements, table of contents, facilitator's introduction, contact info

WR: Module 1

Introduction to Workers Basic Legal Protections on the Job
Full module

updated Dec., 2022 to reflect change in Mass. minimum wage as of 1/1/2023

DL: Módulo 1


Introducción a Protecciones Legales Básicas del Trabajo
Materiales para participantes y ayudas visuales.

Actualizado el 31 de diciembre de 2022 para reflejar el cambio en el salario mínimo en Massachusetts a partir de 1/1/2023

DT: Módulo 1


Introdução as Proteções legais Básicas de Trabalho
Materiais de participantes e flipcharts.

Atualizado em 31 de dezembro de 2022 para refeltir a mudança no salário mínimo de Massachusetts a partir de 1/1/2023

WR: Law Cards

Law Cards to be used with Module 1

There are 24 cards listing federal and Massachusetts laws protecting workers in the workplace.
The first 15 cards comprise the basic set. Any of the ones that follow can be substituted if they are particularly relevant to your participants. If you have fewer than 15 participants, you may use fewer cards, or give some participants 2 cards for laws that were passed near the same time.
Print out the cards that you plan to use back-to-back, so that the title and year appear on the front of the card, and the explanation of the law are on the reverse.

DL: Las Leyes en Tarjetas


Law Cards in Spanish to be used with Módulo 1 -

There are 24 cards listing federal and Massachusetts laws protecting workers in the workplace.
The first 15 cards comprise the basic set. Any of the ones that follow can be substituted if they are particularly relevant to your participants. If you have fewer than 15 participants, you may use fewer cards, or give some participants 2 cards for laws that were passed near the same time.
Print out the cards that you plan to use back-to-back, so that the title and year appear on the front of the card, and the explanation of the law are on the reverse.

DT: As leis em cartões


Law Cards in Portuguese, to be used with Módulo 1 -

There are 24 cards listing federal and Massachusetts laws protecting workers in the workplace.
The first 15 cards comprise the basic set. Any of the ones that follow can be substituted if they are particularly relevant to your participants. If you have fewer than 15 participants, you may use fewer cards, or give some participants 2 cards for laws that were passed near the same time.
Print out the cards that you plan to use back-to-back, so that the title and year appear on the front of the card, and the explanation of the law are on the reverse.

WR: Module 2

Beginning Employment: Your Wage and Your Paycheck
Full module

New version reflects 2023 rise in Mass. minimum wage to $15.00/hour

DL: Módulo 2


Comenzando un Empleo: Tu Salario Y Tu Cheque.
Materiales para participantes y ayudas visuales.
Nueva versión refleja aumento en 2023 del salario mínimo de Massachusetts a $15.00 por hora.

DT: Módulo 2


Começando um Trabalho: Seu Salário e Seu Cheque.
Materiais para participantes e recursos visuais.
A nova versão reflete o aumento em 2023 do salário mínimo de Massachusetts para US $15,00 por hora.

WR: Module 3

Rights of Workers Under 18.
Full module.
Updated December 2022 to reflect 1/1/2023 rise in Mass. minimum wage to $15.00/hour

DL: Módulo 3


Derechos de los Trabajadores Menores de 18 Años de Edad.
Materiales para participantes y ayudas visuales
Actualizado en diciembre de 2022 para reflejar el aumento del 1/1/2023 en Mass. salario mínimo a $15.00/hora


DT: Módulo 3


Os Direitos dos Trabalhadores Menores de 18.
Materiais de participantes e flipcharts.
Atualizado em dezembro de 2022 para refletir o aumento de 01/01/2023 no salário mínimo de Massachusetts para US$ 15,00/hora

WR: Module 4

Full module.
Updated December 2022 to reflect 1/1/2023 rise in Mass. minimum wage to $15.00/hour

DL: Módulo 4


Tiempo Extra.
Materiales para participantes y ayudas visuales.
Actualizado en diciembre de 2022 para reflejar el aumento en Mass. salario mínimo a $15.00/hora a partir del 1/1/2023

DT Módulo 4


Horas Extras.
Materiais de participantes e flipcharts.
Atualizado em dezembro de 2022 para refletir o aumento do salário mínimo de Massachusetts para US$ 15,00/hora a partir de 01/01/2023

WR: Module 5

Protection from Discrimination.
Full module.
Revised November 2019

DL: Módulo 5


Protección de Discriminación.
Materiales para participantes y ayudas visuales.
Revisado noviembre de 2019

DT: Módulo 5


Proteção contra Discriminação.
Materiais para participantes e recursos visuais.
Revisado em novembro de 2019

WR: Module 6

Health and Safety Protection (OSHA and Mass. State Employee Occupational Safety and Health Law) and Workers' Compensation.
Full module.
Updated October, 2019

DL: Módulo 6


Protecciones de la salud y seguridad (OSHA y Ley de Salud y Seguridad para Empleados Públicos, de Massachusetts) y Compensación del Trabajador.
Materiales para participantes y ayudas visuales.
Actualizado octubre de 2019.

DT: Módulo 6


Proteções de Saúde e Segurança (OSHA e Lei de Saúde e Segurança de Funcionários Públicos, Massachusetts) e Remuneração do Trabalhador.
Materiais para participantes e recursos visuais.
Atualizado em outubro de 2019.

WR: Module 7

Family and Medical Leave
Full module

Updated September, 21, 2021, to include Massachusetts Paid Family and Medical Leave Act and Small Necessities Leave Act